- Im Archiv: Von der Wunderkammer zur Database [In Archive: From the Curiosity Cabinett to the Database]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2024-25
- Europa: Gründung, Dichtung, Festung [Europe: Mythos, Poetry, Fortress]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2024
- Literatur und Medien [Literature and Medien]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2024
- Politiken der Literatur II: Anarchismus [Politics of Literature II: Anarchism]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2023-24
- Politiken der Literatur I: Das Volk [Politics of Literature I: The People]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2023
- Sigmund Freud: Verdichtungen und Verschiebungen [Sigmund Freud: Condensations and Displacements]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2023 – Excursion to Vienna
- Mehrsprachigkeit: Über Grenzen schreiben [Multilingualism: Writing Across Borders]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2022
- In Versform: Gedichtete Erzählungen, Essays, Collagen [In Verse: Poetic Essay, Narrative, Collage]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2022
- Den Text öffnen: Sechs Vorschläge für das Interpretieren von Literatur & Co. [Opening the Text: Six Memos for the Interpretation of Literature & Co.]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2022
- Ende: Szenen und Konzepte (ANFANG – MITTE – ENDE III) [End: Scenes and Concepts (BEGINNING - MIDDLE - END III)]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2021
- »Vom Griechenland«: Kulturkonstruktion, Seelensuche, Fremdbild [»Of Hellas«: Constructing a Culture, Searching a Soul, Imagining the Foreign]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2021
- Mitte: Prozesse und Konzepte (ANFANG – MITTE – ENDE II) [The Middle: Processes and Concepts (BEGINNING - MIDDLE - END II)]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2021
- Anfang: Szenen und Begriffe (ANFANG – MITTE – ENDE I) [Beginning: Scenes and Concepts (BEGINNING - MIDDLE - END I)]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2020/21
- Der Körper des Migranten (in der Literatur) [The Migrant Body (in Literature)]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2020/21
- Deutschland Anderswo: Die kritische Theorie im Exil [Germany is Elsewhere: The Critical Theory in Exile]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2020
- Von Pfingsten zu Google: Geschiche von Translationstheorien [From Pentecost to Google: History of Translation Theories]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2020
- Literatur + Medium: Wahrnehmungen der Schrift [Literature + Medium: Perceptions of Writing]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2019/20
- »Literatur ist eine Angelegenheit des Volkes«: Minoritäres Schreiben im Deutschen und Griechischen [Literature is a Matter of the People: Minor Literature in German and Greek]. Department of German Studies, University of Thessaloniki, 2019/20
- Literature and Medicine. University of Vienna, 2017 (co-teaching with Dr. Kiki Dimoula)
- Übersetzung denken: Literaturen, Kulturen, Politiken der Translation [Thinking Translation in Literature, Culture, and Politics]. University of Vienna 2015
- Poetik und Politik. Engagierte Literaturtheorien [Poetics and Politics: Literary Theories of Involvement]. University of Vienna 2014-15
- Schiffsreisen – Linien des Denkens [Voyage by Sea – Lines of Thinking]. University of Vienna 2014
- Europäische Randgänge – Ein Kulturraum in drei Romanen [European Circumscriptions – Three Novels on a Cultural Area]. University of Vienna 2013
- Unsichtbar, unwahrnehmbar, ungezählt: Texte und Bilder von Migration [Invisible, Unperceivable, Uncounted: Texts and Images of Migration]. University of Vienna 2013
- Die strenge Moderne: Cornelius Castoriadis, Janis Kounellis und Janis Xenakis [The Strict Modernism: Castoriadis, Kounellis, Xenakis]. University of Vienna 2012
- Zu einer Poetik der Migration [Towards a Poetics of Migration]. University of Vienna 2011
- Literatur.Verfilmung [Literature Adaptation]. University of Vienna 2011
- Einführung in die Literaturtheorie [Introduction to Literary Theory]. University of Vienna 2010
- Die kleinen Literaten: die leise Stimme im Kanon [Notes on Minor Literature: the Canon’s Low Voice]. University of Vienna 2010
- Erinnerungsstörungen – Griechenlandbilder in kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive [Memory Disorders – Images of Greece in Cultural Perspective]. University of Vienna 2010
- Konstantin P. Kavafis [Reading Constantine P. Cavafy]. University of Vienna 2009
- Literatur im Zwiegespräch mit den Medien [Literature and Other Media. Studies in Intermediality]. University of Vienna 2009
- Die Seele erzählen – Literatur und Psychoanalyse [Narrating the Soul – Literature and Psychoanalysis]. University of Vienna 2009
- Das Phantastische in der Literatur [The Fantastic in Literature]. University of Vienna 2009
- Les belles infidèles: Theorie und Geschichte der Übersetzung [Theory and History of Translation]. University of Vienna 2008
- Literatur der Geschichte / Geschichte der Literatur [Historical Literature / Literary History]. University of Vienna 2008
- Griechenland und sein Theater: Das Beispiel der Komödie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert [Greece and Its Theater: Comedy in the 19th and 20th Centuries]. University of Vienna 2008
- Giorgos Seferis: Intertextuell, Intermedial [Giorgos Seferis: Intertextual, Intermedial]. University of Vienna 2008
- Relektüren der Odyssee im 20. Jahrhundert [Re-readings of the Odyssey in the 20th Century]. University of Vienna 2007
- Zwischen den Welten schreiben … [Writing across Worlds …]. University of Vienna 2007
- Zur literarischen Kanonbildung [On the Literary Canon]. University of Munich 2006
- Über die verschiedenen Methoden des Übersetzens. Schleiermacher übersetzen [On The Different Methods of Translating. Translating Schleiermacher], University of Munich 2005
- Face/Deface: Theorie und Geschichte der Autobiographie [Face/Deface: Theory and History of Autobiography]. University of Munich 2005
- Heimat im Plural: Migration und Literatur [Homeland in the Plural: Migration and Literature]. University of Munich 2005
- Der Mythos und die Moderne [Myth and Modernism]. University of Munich 2004
- Einführung in Neue Theorien [Introduction to New Theories]. University of Munich 2004
- Aktuelle Forschungsansätze in der Literatur- und Kulturforschung [Current Research in Literary and Cultural Studies]. Distant MA program “European Literature and Culture”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2004
Organization of, and teaching in lecture series, funded by various academic and public institutions:
- Film und Übersetzung. Translation als Kategorie des Intermedialen [Film and Translation: Discursive and Intermedia Transformations]. University of Munich, Department of Comparative Literature / Doctoral Studies Program in Literary Studies ProLit / Modern Greek Studies, 2006
- Auswanderung und Exil im internationalen Kino [Migration and Exile in International Cinema]. University of Munich, Departments of Comparative Literature & Modern Greek Studies, 2005 (funded by the Bayerischer Rundfunk, BR)
- Mythos, Stereotyp, Ikone: Griechische Frauenbilder im Film [Myth, Stereotype, Icon: Greek Women in Cinema]. University of Munich, Department of Modern Greek Studies, 2004 (funded by the University’s Office of the Women’s Representative)